Hello, and welcome!

I'm Linda, and I help people living with long-term or ongoing health issues to get their head around 'what the hell just happened to me?'.
As a younger stroke survivor, I know how challenging it can be to navigate life after a serious health issue, but I also know that with the right support and guidance, you can thrive.
Why not grab a beverage of your choice and take a moment to check out the resources, programmes and digital downloads I've lovingly curated for you to work through in the comfort of your own space.
Do any of these statements sound familiar?
In the blink of an eye, did fear and uncertainty replace your carefree and healthy self, leaving you unsure about what lies ahead?
Family and friends rejoice in your recovery while you find yourself in a state of shock.
Explaining the depth of your emotions for the quality of life you've lost can be challenging when you're still trying to make sense of it yourself.