Meet Linda

Hello there!

Like everyone else, I have many roles in life - wife, mum, daughter, sister, aunty, neighbour and friend. 

And stroke survivor.

At the age of 38, I experienced a left parietal lobe stroke. It was Christmas Day in 2005. Heck, I didn't even know I'd got a left parietal lobe that could be stroked. The right side of my body was paralysed for a time, which naturally made even the simplest of tasks challenging. 

As a parent to our son who was just 7 years old at the time, I was not only focused on regaining mobility and recovering from the stroke, but I was also determined to return to my role as a fully functional parent and "Mum's taxi."

During my lengthy rehabilitation, I discovered the benefits of holistic therapies, such as hypnosis, EFT, NLP, Reiki, and other modalities. These therapies had a transformative effect on my recovery journey and overall quality of life. I was so impressed with the results that I pursued qualifications in these and other therapies to share their healing powers with others. I still continue to add to my professional development on a regular basis.  

Here are three quirky things about me. I'd love to hear your three things.

  1. I can't stand fingerprints and get queasy at the sight of them, which made watching Crimewatch a challenge back in the day.

  2. Just five years after my stroke, I took part in a week long trek on the Great Wall of China for a stroke charity. It was an unforgettable experience that I'd recommend to anyone. After that, I vowed never to say "I can't do that..." when faced with a challenge (apart from fingerprints, they beat me every time).

  3. I work from my home office which I share with Charlie, our beautiful apricot cockapoo. Don't tell him, but he's the best colleague I've ever worked with and is the best cure for a bad day.